Seminar: Security of Payment Legislation Topic:How to prepare a claim with confident evidence under SOPL (Security ofPayment Legislation)Abstract :The Development Bureau has issued a Public Works Technical Circular(Technical Circular (Works) No. 6/2021) to invite all approved public workscontractors of Group C or Group B to tender on or after 31 December 2021or on 1 April 2022 Contract clauses related to payment protection will beadded to public works contracts and sub-contracts for which Group AApproved Public WorksContractors or Approved Public Works Materials Suppliers and SpecialistContractors are invited to tender on or after the date. (from CIC)In order to let contractors understand the payment protection measuresand the related arrangements, speaker would share opinion on the captionedissue from engineering surveying perspective.Content
The seminar invites Sr LAM Lityin who works in the engineering surveying profession for many significant infrastructure projects, is now the President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors (HKIES) since 2019, and member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel, Building Ordinance (Cap 123). He was Council Member of Land Surveying Division (LSD) of The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) during 2014-2018. (Note: Sr means Surveyor in Hong Kong, HKIS)Seminar:Duration: 19:00-20:30Date : 08 Apr 2022 (Friday)Venue: : On AirSpeaker : Sr LAM LityinRegistrationPlease register on or before 28 Mar 2022 for record.